Impossible Things Before Breakfast

A blog about having a baby, writing a book, and other impossible things.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Five weeks and three days

Tough night and day with Alice. She's been feeding at totally random intervals, some as short as an hour, and my failure to anticipate this makes me feel like a horrible mother as I faff about getting the feeds ready while she screams inconsolably. She's had a few quite peaceful naps but when she's awake she's crying; there's no in between where she's awake and happy.

Didn't help that when I got to the checkout in Sainsbury's with her in the baby carrier this morning the cashier said 'doesn't your baby need a hat?' Instead of telling her to mind her own business I just pointed out that she had a hat, it was in the basket and I would be putting it on when we got outside. Undeterred, she then moved on to speculate that the suit Alice was wearing wasn't warm enough. I wonder if people realise the damage they do with comments like this. I knew that Alice was perfectly cosy and managed to stay calm by telling myself (and the cashier) this repeatedly, but it would take a very confident mother to shrug off other people's opinions altogether. And I don't think I'm that very confident mother...

Tomorrow we have to to take the train up to Guys in London so Alice can be assessed before her lip surgery in April. It's the longest/furthest trip we've done with her - I just pray she isn't in the same frame of mind as today, because I don't fancy dealing with all this in public and in a totally strange environment.

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