Impossible Things Before Breakfast

A blog about having a baby, writing a book, and other impossible things.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Four months and twenty three days

Lots of nice firsts with Alice lately:

- solid food (baby rice mixed with her formula; she enjoyed eating it and playing with the spoon etc but was so alarmed by the effect on her bowels (much harder poo) that we have stopped giving it to her for a little while.)

- sleeping in her own room and in the big cot (she loves it as long as she can sleep on her familiar lambskin - will I ever get to wash it? - and now has her daytime naps up there too where she goes off much more happily away from the tempting distractions of ooh, mum washing up.)

- rolled over from front to back (she can't do the other way yet - gets halfway over then doesn't quite have the momentum and just wobbles on her side).

- baby group (I've never been much of a joiner but I don't know many people in Seaford so last week I bit the bullet and went along. It was nice but a bit overwhelming and noisy even with only 7 or 8 mums and their babies. Alice was the youngest one and was much admired but got a bit over-excited and started crying, which curtailed my attempts at proper conversation slightly.)



Blogger Unknown said...

On the washing of lambskins - some things, it's best to have two of. I did this with my son's blanket that became a favorite. It was interlock cotton, so I could cut it in two and bind the cut edge. This was a relief, based on the bitter experience of my daughter's (first child) blankie, which had been lovingly crocheted and therefore was indivisible. It got so decrepit, from being so well-loved.

3:44 AM  

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