The novel: progress update
So, I can finally announce that I'm working on the novel without it being
Labels: writing - fiction
A blog about having a baby, writing a book, and other impossible things.
So, I can finally announce that I'm working on the novel without it being
Labels: writing - fiction
Alice is stringing more words together now, although her pronunciation is still idiosyncratic to say the least. Disturbingly, her longest sentence to date has been: 'Watch telly in a minute, mummy?' Disturbingly because I was quite convinced before she was born that we would remain a television-free household and thus avoid all such requests altogether. Ha! Ok, technically we are television-free in that we don't own a set. But then BBC iPlayer came along...
Labels: baby - development, television
Most of the time I walk around congratulating myself on how advanced Alice's vocabulary and communication skills are for her age. But occasionally it will occur to me that just because I can understand her, it doesn't mean she is making sense.
Labels: baby - development, language
The BBC reports: Recordings of 14 major 20th-Century American poets have been added to the free online audio Poetry Archive .
Labels: reading - poetry
New words: hello, biscuit, woof, Batman.
Labels: baby - development
Selected vocabulary that drew a blank with my non-English audience at the poetry reading/discussion yesterday:
Labels: poetry - events
Seventeen months ago, I wrote about how I didn't really feel like a Mother - with all that word's associations. Not deep down. A lot has changed, and now I feel as odd and fraudulent if I'm walking somewhere WITHOUT Alice in the pushchair as I did then with it. Her health, safety, development, and bowel movements are constantly in my thoughts and I would do anything to protect her. I am her mum, no question.
Labels: parenthood